This report outlines how subversive tactics used by suspected infiltrators/operatives have circumvented democracy and led to the decline of the Green Party of the United States (GPUS). Not only are these tactics out of alignment with GPUS’s 10 key values, pillars, and platform planks, but they are also used to promote objectives that stand in stark contrast to its guiding documents and have resulted in GPUS’s shrinkage in voter registrations and donations. In some instances, these tactics might even be considered outright sabotage.
Sabotage, as taught by the CIA, can be understood as directed activities that result in the systematic destruction of an organization. In GPUS, this is accomplished through attrition. Since 2016, GPUS has lost: members; donations; high-profile/charismatic candidates for political office; and, has alienated member states such as Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, and Rhode Island.
According to, GPUS had 248,189 registered voters in 2016. As of June 2021, states that GPUS had 175,685 registered voters, a loss of 72,504 voters (nearly a 30% drop in voters). According to the financial records of GPUS, its revenue in 2016 was $276,825, and in 2021 it was $126,296. Thus, GPUS sustained a loss of $150,529 (a 54% drop in revenue).
It is believed that the divisive pro-mandate December 8, 2021 statement made by the Steering Committee and the GPUS presidential nominee in 2020 & candidate for governor of New York in 2022 Howie Hawkins’ expressed desire, on April 9, 2022, to send arms to Ukraine resulted in an even larger GreenExit than reported.
The destruction of the Green Party is a goal shared by the Democratic and Republican parties. Often, infiltrators/operatives mirror the talking points of the Democratic Party and Intelligence Agencies on issues of national security and bodily autonomy, and summarily vilify the unvaccinated and/or Republicans as white supremacists/extremists or anti-LGBTQ+. The CGPO echoes the censorship of Biden’s Disinformation Governing board (nicknamed the Ministry of Truth) to stifle debate and unabashedly use identity politics as a divisive and slanderous method to silence opposition - as was done to remove the Georgia Green Party.
Also, infiltrators/operatives block the participation of high-profile and/or charismatic new members and/or political candidates that could greatly expand the party. This was most apparent during the 2020 presidential election when former governor and media personality, Jesse Ventura, expressed interest in the GPUS nomination. Instead of being warmly received, he was instead subjected to hostile rhetoric on listservs and social media. Ventura was not afforded the chance to demonstrate how his values aligned with GPUS and he was discouraged. However, the Green Party of Alaska (disaffiliated from GPUS) welcomed Ventura and his running mate, former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Dario Hunter, Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry, Dennis Lambert, David Rolde, and Ian Schlakman were also sidelined by similar tactics.
Moyowasifza-Curry also disclosed that she experienced discrimination as the sole Black, disabled woman in the GPUS primary. Despite dodging unethical tactics, Hunter and Moyowasifza-Curry received 98.5 and 11.5 delegate votes respectively, coming in second and third place at the Green Party National Convention, held on July 11, 2020. Clearly, these tactics are counterproductive to growing the party and gaining a wider public profile.
Another deterrent to fairness in the presidential nomination process was the infiltrators' insidious positioning of paid members of the Hawkins campaign onto several key committees during the primaries such as the Ballot Access, Outreach, and Media committees. This created distinct conflicts of interest that disadvantaged the other presidential candidates and resulted in one of GPUS’s worst showings in a presidential race.
This report will now focus on the methodology used to manipulate outcomes. Then, it will focus on the Green International Committee as a case study - since it was subject to vote-rigging and ballot harvesting in a time-sensitive matter that now impacts the National Committee. If vote-rigging occurred in an election, the actions would have been considered illegal and criminal.
Since this was a vote on a proposal, it is a clear and convincing misuse of authority and is highly unethical. “Electoral fraud (sometimes referred to as election manipulation), voter fraud, and vote-rigging involve illegal interference with the process of an election, either by increasing the vote share of a favored candidate or depressing the vote share of rival candidates or both."
Other case studies will be presented in subsequent communications as several members of former Green State parties, caucuses, political candidates, and committees (including former members of the Steering Committee) have come forward, identified these subversive tactics, and named members of the GPUS as perpetrators.
The first case study will outline the tactics used against members of the International Committee to achieve the desired voting outcome (to leave the FPVA/Global Greens), how harassment/bullying/threats forced one co-chair to resign (under the specter of removal), and how through the crossing of state party lines and coercion a second co-chair’s committee appointment was recalled. Specifically, the key position of Steering Committee liaison was repeatedly misused.
Examples of Subversive Tactics
1) Stacking committees and caucuses with new members before voting to rig desired outcomes.
2) Creating hostile working environments through poor listserv moderation or in chaired meetings by allowing the use of slander and libelous statements to silence opposition (such as claims the individual, organization, group, or state is right-wing, misogynistic, racist, anti-Semitic, xenophobic, bigoted/TERF, etc.)
3) Weaponizing victimhood on fabricated or greatly embellished offenses to justify retaliatory strikes and punishments on opponents.
4) Allowing disputes between individuals to clutter listservs or meetings that monopolize time/space that could be better used for the review of agenda items.
5) Coordinating harassment by inciting malleable group members to gang up on targets for reward (i.e. such as recognition, belonging to an inner circle/importance, or receiving political favors).
6) Misusing steering committee and state appointments to silence opposition by removing members’ ability to post to committees and caucuses listservs by claiming false rule infractions.
7) Neglecting pivotal functions such as nominating members to committees promptly and failing to fill vacant positions on the platform and accreditation committees etc.
8) Releasing statements (Media and Steering Committees) that depart from the GPUS 10 key values and platform planks without obtaining a National Committee vote. For example, issues involving invasive health mandates and national security required National Committee approval and this was not done.
Remedies (Short, Medium, and Long Term)
1) Immediately remove unethical violators of the GPUS 10 key values, pillars, and platform planks from all offices and appointments.
2) Develop, institute, and enforce a code of conduct.
3) Create an ethics committee.
International Committee (IC) Case Study
The steering committee’s IC liaison, Ahmed Eltouny, sought for the U.S. Green Party to leave the FPVA/Global Greens, even though his position completely departs from the IC’s mission statement which reads as follows:
International Committee Section 1-1 Mission 1-1.1 The mission of the Committee shall be to foster collaboration and exchange with Green parties around the world; to facilitate official GPUS representation on the international and global level; to facilitate GPUS issue and policy development on the international and global level; and to network with green organizations and movements working on the international and global level.
To justify his destructive actions, Eltouny repeated a litany of “right-wing” and “anti-LGBTQ2+” unsubstantiated charges against the FPVA/Global Greens. Yet, IC members remained unconvinced. Knowing he lacked the necessary number of votes to achieve his objective of leaving the FPVA/Global Greens, Eltouny contacted the co-chairs of state parties outside his state of New Jersey to seek new committee appointments for vote-rigging. Within a short amount of time, he obtained thirteen new committee members, nine of which voted Yes and passed the proposal. These actions demonstrate the unethical misuse of Eltouny’s position, not only as a steering committee member and state co-chair but also as a committee liaison.
On September 28, 2020, Steering Committee member, Anita Rios, wrote a very detailed email to the National Committee that included links from FPVA/Global Greens letters that state they are apolitical (not affiliated with left or right-wing groups). It can be convincingly argued that the longstanding relationship between the FPVA/Global Green and GPUS is so important to maintain that the National Committee should not have allowed the IC’s exit vote to be influential.
Additionally, Eltouny threatened the IC co-chairs that if they “did not do as he said he would get them removed”. Both co-chairs, Bahram Zandi and Alan Brown were removed. Zandi was recalled and Brown resigned. Before their removal, they were ganged up on and bullied to the point where they could not write simple emails or conduct IC business. Other members of the committee resigned in protest. Further, in Zandi’s case, Eltouny contacted the co-chairs of the Maryland party to convince them to recall Zandi’s appointment.
This form of harassment is experienced throughout the Green Party and Eltouny’s name comes up again in subsequent case studies as an instigator and lead provocateur. Eltouny’s decision to leave the FPVA/Global Greens, an international organization that connects U.S. Greens with South, Central America, and Canadian Greens, during the existential threat of nuclear war and Biden’s stated goal of using Ukraine in a proxy war against Russia to effect regime-change, reveals the incongruity of not only his leadership but even his membership in the Green Party.
If ever there was a time for third parties to unite worldwide to organize for peace, this is it!
Further, Eltouny proudly admitted on a public news media video to personally taking part in a U.S. regime-change coup in Egypt that is now referred to globally as the Egyptian Crisis - due to the economic and political turmoil, and human rights violations that ensued thereafter. Without question, the GPUS’s 10 key values, pillars, and platform planks are against coup d’états both domestically and abroad. Further, Eltouny misrepresented himself as the President of the United States Green party.
Eltouny’s vendetta against Zandi was made known to members of the IC when Zandi rightly rebuked Eltouny for his self-aggrandizing video lies made while at the Congreso Bicentenario De Los Pueblos Mundo.
IC Voting Process and Results on Proposal to Leave FPVA/Global Greens
There were three weeks of discussion on the proposal to leave FPVA/Global Greens before the one-week voting period (Monday, April 11, 12:01 AM ET to April 17, 11:59 PM PT). The International Committee (IC) requires 2/3 or .666 to approve a proposal. Without voting irregularities and an influx of 13 appointees from Jan 30 to April 16, the proposal would not have passed.
Voting Irregularities – Ballot Harvesting/No Verification
Eltouny colluded with Jacqui Deveneau to commit a voting irregularity through ballot harvesting. Numerous emails show Deveneau canvassing members to obtain Yes votes to leave the FPVA/Global Greens and Deveneau herself voted Yes.
According to Deveneau’s emails, she contacted a very senior committee member that was gravely ill to harvest a Yes vote. Then, Co-chair, Alan Brown called to verify this voting irregularity as a courtesy to the senior member - who is distinguished as a founder of GPUS. Unfortunately, Brown could not reach the member but left a detailed message on his answering machine. No return call was made by the member. Yet, Eltouny insisted the unverified Yes vote be counted. Deveneau wrote she “hated” Brown for daring to verify this serious voting irregularity.
Voting Irregularities – Stacking the Committee with New Appointments and Purging Active Members (Vote-Rigging), Coercion
Approximately three months (January 30-April 10) before the voting period began on April 11, eleven appointments were made to the IC. Out of these eleven appointees, seven voted Yes, two voted No, one Abstained (A) and one was Non-Responsive (NR). Concurrently, the membership list was purged by Eltouny of individuals that had not yet been reappointed by their state. The former members were not offered the opportunity to remain as observers but were summarily removed - even though one former appointee, Hector Lopez, attended most committee meetings.
Literally, the day before the vote on April 17, Tony Ndege and Michael Trudeau were appointed by the state of North Carolina – both voted Yes. This brought the total of new appointments in 3 months to 13. Out of the total 13 appointments, 9 voted Yes. Coercion/canvassing for members to change their votes to Yes occurred up until the very last minute. David Josue and Robin Laurain changed their votes respectively on 4/18 at 12:01 AM and 4/17 at 11:59 PM. David Josue explained that the new appointees to the FPVA were not representative of the values and principles of the International Committee and could do more harm than good. He believes that the values of the International Committee should first be restored. While many do not believe GPUS should ever give up a seat at an international table, this seems a valid & reasonable concern.
These additions, including the absentee vote Deveneau harvested changed the tally from No to Yes, meaning the proposal for the IC to leave the FPVA/Global Greens passed.
Eltouny must be immediately removed from all offices and committees. If Eltouny’s vote-rigging had occurred in an election, his actions would have been considered illegal and criminal. Since this was a vote on a proposal, it is a clear and convincing misuse of authority and is highly unethical.